More Americans, enjoying more flowers, more often...



本期报道 ...

  1. 2016 - 2017年会费以电子方式发放
  2. 会员资格的价值
  3. 阵亡将士纪念日鲜花
  4. 交通工具的更新
  5. 新成员

将社会 ...

Members, please follow us on Instagram @CalifFlowers and hashtag #澳门十大正规网赌网址. 关注事件或特定新闻的标签.  十大正规网赌网址欢迎你的照片! 请与Michael LoBue分享 (电子邮件保护).






8/9/16 蒙特雷凯悦酒店蒙特利,十大正规网赌网址

8/16/16 柏悦酒店卡尔斯巴德,十大正规网赌网址

8/18/16 承认帕克十大正规网赌网址圣巴巴拉市

2017 Fun’N Sun:

2017年8月9日- 12日 柏悦酒店卡尔斯巴德,十大正规网赌网址 


十大正规网赌网址的目标是每月与会员和感兴趣的各方就最近的过去和即将发生的事件进行沟通, 程序更新, 以及澳门十大正规网赌网址如何代表会员参与该行业的一般信息.


 2016 - 2017年会费以电子方式发放

就像种花的人, 发货人, and retailers invest in new processes to be more efficient, 澳门十大正规网赌网址也进行投资,以提高内部效率和提高生产力,这样您的会费就可以更多地用于投资十大正规网赌网址的使命: 

Strengthen member businesses through logistics, education and promotion to grow the use and enjoyment of cut flowers.

澳门十大正规网赌网址最近刚刚将其会员数据库迁移到一个新的平台上,该平台允许十大正规网赌网址通过电子邮件向您发送年费发票,并为您提供新的, 安全可靠的付款方式-您现在可以轻松地通过电子发票在线支付年费.

由于这是十大正规网赌网址第一次通过电子邮件开具会费发票,并允许在线支付, 你可能会有一些问题.  请点击下面的链接阅读/下载十大正规网赌网址关于新会费续期程序的常见问题文件.  Even if you have already paid your 2016-17 dues, you may still find some of the information in the document useful.

Read / download the Frequently Asked Questions document

After reading the 常见问题 document, if you have questions, you can email Linda Long at (电子邮件保护), or you can call the HQ Office at (831) 479-4912. 

Thank you for renewing your dues, preferably online but however works best for you!



Is there value to 澳门十大正规网赌网址 membership beyond shipping discounts?

绝对! 当然, 受益于一些最好的运费在花卉行业使会员价值主张很容易证明每年. Many 澳门十大正规网赌网址 members earn their annual dues back with one shipment. 对于这些航运折扣, 十大正规网赌网址非常感谢十大正规网赌网址的运输合作伙伴,特别是联邦快递和OnTrac,他们的运输项目为协会带来了重要的非会费收入.

但, let’s not forget those hard-to-quantify benefits that come with membership, 比如每隔一年在世界花卉博览会和Fun ' N Sun等行业贸易展上提供价格合理的展览机会. And the collaborative relationships cultivated with California State 花 Association, CCFC, SAF, AFIF, WF&FSA and Asocolflores to promote floral holidays like International Women’s Day and Memorial Day. 澳门十大正规网赌网址 is also represented at industry events like SAF and WF&FSA年会,并在州和联邦层面支持选择性的政府倡议.

这些举措旨在维护和提高人们对十大正规网赌网址各种各样的商业鲜切花的认识. 它们还旨在扩大美国的贸易.S. 观赏花卉市场. 对于一个在企业对企业营销方面比企业对消费者营销更有经验的组织来说,这是一项艰巨的任务, 但这并不意味着向更多的十大正规网赌网址推广鲜花消费是一项正确的挑战.

So, 当你今年续会的时候, keep in mind that there’s more to it than just getting shipping discounts. 当然, 让十大正规网赌网址不要忘记,作为其他企业家族的一员,为美国一个健康而强劲的切花市场而努力,这是重要的好处.


Flowers for the Remembered and the Remembering – Memorial Day

澳门十大正规网赌网址 is once again a proud sponsor of the 阵亡将士纪念日鲜花项目 - 2016年是十大正规网赌网址第二年成为赞助商.  然而,今年的情况有所不同.  自2011年该项目在华盛顿郊外的阿灵顿国家公墓(ANC)启动以来,这是第一次, D.C., 阵亡将士纪念日花卉基金会在阵亡将士纪念日除了在美国国家公墓外,还赞助其他国家公墓的项目.  今年, a 澳门十大正规网赌网址 team is coordinating the distribution of 2,阵亡将士纪念日当天,在位于旧金山普雷西dio的旧金山国家公墓,人们献上了1000朵玫瑰和500束鲜花.  澳门十大正规网赌网址还在支持凤凰城国家公墓的项目中发挥了重要作用, AZ.

阵亡将士纪念日花卉是阵亡将士纪念日花卉基金会的倡议,得到了不同种植者群体的广泛行业支持, 发货人, 和来自哥伦比亚的批发商, 厄瓜多尔和美国.  澳门十大正规网赌网址加入WF&FSA, ASOCOLFLORES, and EXPOFLORES as major association sponsors. 这个项目的成功和发展是一个简单目标的结果:向那些为十大正规网赌网址的国家献出生命的人表达敬意和荣誉, and to their families for their support and sacrifices.  What better way to show this respect than flowers for the remembered and the remembering?

Foundation Executive Director Ramiro Peñaherrera is grateful for the 澳门十大正规网赌网址 Sponsorship: "阵亡将士纪念日鲜花 has always been ecumenical; we invite all associations and links in the flower supply chain to be part of this effort.  澳门十大正规网赌网址 is now part of the Foundation's advisory board. 今年在ANC, 谷歌, 道明银行, SunTrust银行, and several other non-floral companies are sponsors. Pinnacle West Energy is the major sponsor at Arizona National Cemetery. Our near future goal is for local business to sponsor, and pay for, roses and bouquets.  国家公墓管理局要求十大正规网赌网址帮助将“装饰日”的含义重新引入阵亡将士纪念日. 很高兴看到十大正规网赌网址中的许多人能够抛开感知到的或想象到的差异来纪念那些为国服务的人."

除了所有的国家赞助商(看到列表), 十大正规网赌网址要感谢那些为阿灵顿的项目提供产品或服务的澳门十大正规网赌网址成员, San Francisco and Arizona National Cemeteries:

  • Mike Mooney (澳门十大正规网赌网址董事会主席), 他的妻子罗宾和他们的孩子在阵亡将士纪念日这个周末作为卡尔弗劳尔斯在ANC的官方代表;
  • 海景花 感谢他们为ANC的幸存者悲剧援助项目捐赠了500束加利福尼亚混合花束. T.A.P.S. Helps children who have lost one or both parents in the recent conflicts. Each child will receive an Ocean View bouquet to place on the headstone of the parent.
  • 荷兰美国花卉 他们捐赠了大约2美元,000 mixed California bouquets for all three cemeteries for volunteers and family members. 每位志愿者都会收到一束鲜花.
  • 伊甸山花卉公司 for processing and delivering roses and bouquets to San Francisco National Cemetery; and
  • Mayesh批发花店 感谢他们对凤凰城亚利桑那国家公墓项目的赞助和实地支持.

最后, “感谢”阵亡将士纪念日鲜花基金会本身构思了这个伟大的项目,并全年宣传和倡导鲜花的力量,以表达言语无法表达的东西.



  1. 十大正规网赌网址很高兴地宣布,您的联邦快递折扣刚刚变得更好,正好赶上母亲节.  We have just signed a new contract that improves members FedEx Express discounts to 69.2%(之前是66%).5%).  Also other services such as 2 day and Express Saver will significantly improve as well.  Our special DIM factor of 250 and other fee waivers stay intact. Additionally, in January when FedEx raises their rates typically around 5%, we will only have a 3.5% increase which will further enhance our discount.  For more info, look for our email announcement or visit our website at
  2. Delta Airlines has renewed their “all in” flower rates for our membership.  These rates are very competitive and offer the value of including Fuel and Security surcharges.  For a copy of Delta Airlines Cargo rates, please visit our website (或联络我((电子邮件保护))直接索取副本.

  3. 5月1日开始st, Alaska Airlines Cargo will no longer offer “General” rates for perishables.  他们正在将这种费率结构转换为“优先易腐”状态,以努力改善服务. Pricing will be slightly higher but will come with a higher boarding priority on their aircraft. These new rates are available on our website or members can contact me ((电子邮件保护)) 了解更多信息.

  4. OnTrac新闻, we want to thank our member 发货人 for taking the time to fill out and return the OnTrac survey.  会员们的反应非常热烈. Currently we are analyzing the results and sharing it with OnTrac.  It’s this kind of feedback that is so important to a program and its participants.  期待更多的信息即将到来.

  5. As you may have seen, 澳门十大正规网赌网址 has recently launched the FedEx IPD program.  该计划是为十大正规网赌网址的批发会员量身定制的,允许快速3天从哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔机场到门进口产品. Our program offers excellent rates and a special two box minimum.  Other special waivers apply and members just need to call to inquire.

  6. For members wanting to take advantage of our new American Airlines shipping rates, 请把你的邮政编码((电子邮件保护)).  We will then link your company to the pricing plan.  For members who do not currently have an AA PAL number, please visit 开始吧.

In other OnTrac news, all shipping 澳门十大正规网赌网址 members should now be on-line booking with OnTrac.  WebOnTrac 是一个优秀的工具,可以帮助托运人在预订货物时,他们需要的大部分东西.  Using paper waybills adds complexity and risk to their digital system. WebOnTrac software even has provisions that can catch errors before they can be submitted.  If you are not using OnTrac's free booking software, 十大正规网赌网址强烈建议你这样做, 而且很容易开始.  Just contact OnTrac for more info at 800-334-5000 or visit

注意:运输费率信息和文件现在可以在澳门十大正规网赌网址会员网站上查看/下载(pdf格式). 请注意,这些文件被认为是敏感材料,并可提供给Ag Buddy的主要联系人, 把花, 副种植者, 及仅限花卉会员.

进入会员专用网站, simply login using the 会员登录 button in the top-right corner of our website.  

点击这里 if you don't know or don't remember your username and/or password.  本文档将帮助您登录. 


In April 2016, we were pleased to welcome the following new 澳门十大正规网赌网址 members:













1500 41st Avenue, Suite 240 Capitola, CA 95010 | | Ph. 传真831-479-4914